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Breakthrough technology.


The powerful effect of UV light has been used as a decontaminant for nearly a century. Cleanbeam is the first Germicidal UV product to be completely safe for use in occupied spaces. Harmful pathogens on surfaces and in the air around you can now be safely and consistently eliminated. This is a revolutionary development in the fight against infection.

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Cleanbeam uses the latest advances in Far-UV technology to kill germs on skin, surfaces and in the air. This harmless light beam is an extremely effective method to sterilize public areas, as well as targeted spaces and objects.


Effectiveness at Ceiling Height


8 Minutes of exposure:

of viruses and bacteria

Cleanbeam kills

of viruses and bacteria


25 Minutes of exposure:

Cleanbeam kills

Cleanbeam Far-UV technology has been tested and determined to be completely safe with no harmful effects to the skin or eyes.

Further research into the technology behind Cleanbeam shows great promise in fighting the spread of disease, including the recent Coronavirus.

Research Square: Far-UVC light efficiently and safely inactivates airborne human coronaviruses

Far-UVC publications & news

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